So here it is, folks. My height ...
I calculated my BMI today and then crunched the numbers for what it was before I lost weight. (Thanks for the idea, Mama Laughlin!) Using my height and today's weight of 145, I am happily rockin' a 23.76 BMI, putting me in the Normal Weight category. Hollaaaaa! I'm healthy :) ME! Feels darn good.
Just think, I had a 35.92 BMI when I decided to improve my lifestyle. I was in the Obese Class 2 category. My risk of weight-related health problems and even death was SEVERE. Yikes yikes yikes. Scary. Not a good place to be. So happy I'll never be there again!
I don't think BMI ranges should be your only basis for healthiness, but I do find them to be a helpful guide. What do you think?

I'm thinking about going for a run after work. I kind of want to, but I kind of want to just take it easy before going to Alia's for dinner and Vampire Diaries. (That's right. I admit it. I watch that show.) HOWEVER, now that I think about it, I really NEED to go for a run because I have a 5K coming up in only a little more than three weeks!
I randomly jogged 3.1ish miles a couple of weeks ago, but when I went for a jog a week ago I I started walking after only a mile. I think it was just due to boredom, though, because it's not like my legs or lungs hurt. I'm gonna push myself today after work. Decided. No getting bored and walking.
Here's my run/walk schedule for the next few months:
- April 17: Challenge Obesity 5K run (Charities Challenge)
- May 1: Five-mile Walk for Animals (Animal Humane Society)
Check out my page within team Applause for Paws! (shameless plug) - June 26: Time to Fly 5K run (Children's Cancer Research Fund)
- My goal for the April 5K is to finish without walking. Keepin' it simple.
- The five-mile walk in May will be a piece of cake compared to the 5Ks, so my goal isn't fitness-related. My goal is to raise at least $500 for my favorite cause, the Animal Humane Society.
- My goal for the June 5K is to increase my speed. I'm not going to set an exact how-much-faster speed, but faster than my 33:47 from my first 5K last year.
Here's another reason why I should run after work: I have three, count 'em, THREE birthday's to celebrate this weekend. Party in the MSP!
Tomorrow evening I'll be celebrating the lovely Jennifer's birthday, which was actually yesterday. We're going downtown ... so drinks will be consumed and much fun will be had by all. Saturday afternoon I'm going to Dave & Buster's for Michelle's golden bday. I've never been there before, but I'm thinking I'll just be extra intense while playing the games and I'll burn some extra cals. (Kidding ... kind of.) And I'm not sure what we're doing Saturday evening for Leah's birthday, but it'll prob involve food and/or drinkies. Thanks for being born, my friends! Love y'all.
I've already made plans to attend Rollerdome on Sunday because I love rollerskating ... and I'll need to work off Friday and Saturday's funtimes :) And then I have dinner Sunday evening with the gals before the Michael Bublé concert. THE FUN NEVER ENDS!!!
Also, Twin Cities peeps, don't forget about the Open House with free stuff and drawings this Saturday. I'll be there for a little bit! Read more about it HERE in case you missed the deets.
And now it's time for me to peace out.