BURR BURR BURRRRRRRRR!!! No, that’s not what I scream every time the cold winter air surprises me. It’s the trumpets resounding!
Three of them, to be exact.
UNO. After six weeks on Maintenance, I am officially a WW Lifetime Member! No more paying monthly fees for this lady! Nuh uh. Never again. Of course not having to pay anymore is a big deal, but there are many more things about this accomplishment that I should be celebrating.
1. I lost 70 pounds and they’re stayin’ off!
2. I knew what I wanted, stuck with it, and met a huge goal. It wasn’t easy sustaining motivation for more than 18 months, but since it had to do with my health and my LIFE, I made ME a priority. I’m happy to be a priority for the rest of my long, healthy life :)
3. I’ve acquired habits that are now part of my lifestyle, not just quick fixes for the time being. For instance, more often than not, I choose lower-cal, nutrient-rich options at restaurants and the grocery store because they just sound tastier, and I actually want to be active several times per week.
4. I feel fantastic. I can just feel my body working more efficiently. My mind is clearer. When I come upon a flight of stairs, I run up them because I can. I can’t help myself!
5. When I look in the mirror, I’m happy with what I see. Can’t ask for more than that, kids.

DOS. Since I’m not paying for WW anymore (maybe I already mentioned that …), I decided to use that money for something else rad and self-improving. I’m continuing with kickboxing class! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Can’t stop thinking about it, actually. I hope my friends don’t get sick of hearing about it because I tend to bring it up a lot.
This hasn’t happened yet, but it’s only a matter of time:
Friend: Hey, Amanda! Haven’t seen you in a while. Let’s meet up and grab a drink or something.
Me: Yeah yeah, sounds good. Speaking of kickboxing … my class rocks!
For you Twin Citians (Mpls/St Paulies? Twin Citiites?) looking to throw a new activity in your mix, you should swing by American Kung-Fu Studio in New Brighton or clicky around on its website … and then decide that it’s awesome and you want to hang chill kick it (literally) with me and my peeps.
This weekend, I think I’m gonna purchase some new shoes (should I have said kicks? too much) strictly dedicated for class.
Thinkin’ about scooping something like these:
PUMA Etoile Cat
Or these:
PUMA Etoile
I think I'm more likely to find the first ones (or something similar) in a store, which is what I'd prefer. But I am reeeeaaaalllly diggin' the second ones. A lot. I'd probably need to order those online, though, and I don't know about that. But what do I know anyway?
TRES. GIVEAWAY TIME! I’d like to celebrate my WW Lifetime Membershipness and awesome feelings about life by offering you some Cuties! That’s right, those insanely awesome clementines I boasted about a few weeks ago. After I wrote that post, Cuties contacted me and suggested I offer you — my stellar readers — a great deal. As of today, there are nearly 86 days left of Cuties California mandarin season, so let’s get to it!

Already love Cuties? Been dying to try them but haven’t yet? Wanna score a 3-lb bag of Cuties FO’ FREE?? Of course you do! I’m choosing FIVE lucky winners, so enter your little heart out.

Orange you gonna enter my giveaway?*
Earn one entry per item. (Please leave a separate comment for each.)
1. Visit the Cuties site, learn some fun facts, and come back to tell me why you want your very own bag o’ Cuties.
2. Link to this contest on your blog and/or Facebook. And tell all your friends.
3. Add me to your blogroll!
4. Follow me on Google Reader. If you don’t have that, just promise you’ll add me to your Favorites or Bookmarks list :)
*Cuties are only sold in the United States, the majority of them being available west of the Mississippi River; please only enter if you can find them in stores near you. I will accept entries until 5:00pm on Tuesday, February 9, and I will announce five winners on Wednesday, February 10. Each winner will have 72 hours to email me his or her mailing address.
Wahoo! Great day. Love, Amandarin