i am such a weirdo. i wrote most of this last week and forgot to post it! better late than never …
i looooooove the way my body feels ever since i began kickboxing three days a week in early january. i see definition in my arms, my calves look fabulous (if i do say so myself), and i think my face must be thinner or something. i really haven’t lost more than a couple of pounds since january, but people who haven’t seen me for a few months are all like, “wow! you look great! you’ve lost more weight!” nope. i haven’t. perhaps my bod is just shifting?
ever since i started training for my first 5K last summer, i’ve realized that i would much rather be active for more days of the week than not. i mean, that’s how often we all SHOULD be active, but not everyone is.
if i need to miss a day of kickboxing during the week, i feel yucky if i don’t do some other activity instead. i missed last wednesday’s class, so i went hiking the sunday prior and attended a stretching clinic on saturday. the hiking was vigorous in a heartrate-accelerated kinda way; the stretching clinic was not. BUT they were both physical activities, nonetheless. gotta mix it up, people!
and then there’s the dreaded situation where you don’t exercise for a few days … which turn into a couple more … and then what??? i know that if i don’t get back into it asap, i’m a goner. thank goodness i have a set kickboxing schedule.

speaking of a set schedule, i need to get my butt in gear and start running again. i’m running my second 5K one month from tomorrow, and i don’t want to suck!
i seriously thought about going for a run after kboxing last night, even though it was crazyhot and humid … but then i REALLY got thinking about the heat warning that was in effect for the area, and i didn’t want to spontaneously pass out during my run. so, instead, i did the next most logical thing:
i met some friends at grumpy’s and had two hard ciders and a plate of tater tots.
really?? REALLY, AMANDA!!?? you’re sabotaging yourself.

this brings me to another point. i’ve felt pretty invincible for the past month or so … and not in a good way. too many crappy food choices have slithered their way into my diet here and there. i used to have more willpower.
but here’s where the problem comes in: i haven’t really gained weight. so more and more often i haven’t been making the healthiest food decisions. old habits die hard, indeed! i’ve only noticed that i’ve felt a little more bloaty over the past few days
(or maybe a week), and i think it’s finally caught up with me.
and i’ve learned a powerful lesson in the process!
(and isn’t that what it’s all about? besides the hokey pokey, of course.)THIS IS MY LIFESTYLE NOW!
as long as i am active three or more days per week, a not-so-healthy meal and a few calorie-laden adult bevies every so often won’t really negatively affect me. as long as i don’t let it all spiral out of control. everything in moderation. pretty sure i’ve got a handle on it right now, but i still need to watch it.

i would really like to bump up my physical activity from three days a week to five, and that’ll NEED to happen if i want to rock my 5K. maybe i should count workouts instead of days? i can see myself running some of the same days i have kboxing. yeah. i’ll do that.
goal: work out five times per week
S: I will kickbox three days and run two days each week. If that isn’t possible, my workouts will total five
(or six! for funsies) per week.
M: I will track my activities on my calendar for at least one month.
A: Heck yes it’s attainable! Because I rock. And it’s only adding two runs a week.
R: I can fairly easily head outside for 45 minutes twice a week instead of watching TV in the evening, or I can run before work in the morning.
T: I will do this for at least the month leading up to my 5K on June 26.
It’s on like Donkey Kong, folks.

PS I recently found
www.hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com and I’m in love. It’s my new fav blog by a long shot. Totally my kinda humor, and Allie is a genius.
Natalie Dee is now blocked at work :(
PPS Why did I start using initial caps after rockin the lowercase post up until my SMART goal? Nobody knows.
PPPS Happy Random
LOLCats Post Day!